SPIRITDAY. I designed and won a High School Wide Competition to design my School Spirit Day Stickers. Along with hundreds of stickers given out it was also hung as a poster on the wall. March, 2022
My caption of the piece as next too poster
For my design, I took inspiration from the way Friends Seminary has impacted me and the people who have shaped my experience since I first arrived here in third grade. When I saw custodian Russell Duke's Friends As I See It Series on the school's social media account, it made me think about the people we take for granted who make the community function. After talking to Russell and asking for his permission, I sketched his photograph of Kei Styles, the school's always optimistic 15th Street crossing guard. Even on the coldest days, Kei manages to fist bump almost every student and teacher bustling along to class. His image represents all of the maintenance, facility, and faculty staff who make this school function daily. I also thought back to the pre-Covid days of the teacher vs. student basketball game and how important people like Russell and Kei are to the spirit of our community. Next, I portrayed the menu from the East Way Deli, a favorite location for any Friends Seminary student. The menu itself was built as a senior project by Friends alumni Eitan Darwish, class of 2017. The deli was barely able to withstand the effects of lost business while school was remote, but luckily it survived. The sign represents all local businesses and people, such as the deli's owner, Mike Maliche, who strengthen and are vital to our Friend's community. I also included the iconic Friend's Seminary sign, which has been in various locations throughout the school during my time here. It represents all the students and history of this school through the past 236 years.

Below is the sticker on a teacher's laptop and the piece on the wall.